Letters Home

Letters Home 2024-25

Updated: 11/03/2025 205 KB
A letter for current Year 5 parents explaining about the residential trip to Paris in November 2026 when the children are in Year 6.
Updated: 11/03/2025 240 KB
A letter for current Year 4 parents explaining about the residential trip to Newby Wiske Hall, part of PGL, in October 2025 when the children are in Year 5.
Updated: 09/09/2024 374 KB
A letter from Mr Story with a few key messages at the start of the new academic year.
Updated: 04/09/2024 116 KB
A list of the planned dates of different events in school over the 2024-25 academic year. Please note despite our best efforts, some dates may need to change due to unforeseen circumstances. The website calendar and events page will always be updated to reflect any changes made.
Updated: 04/09/2024 396 KB
A guide to the various different activities provided by Stockton-on-Tees Family Hubs between September and December 2024.

Letters Home 2023-24

Updated: 16/07/2024 204 KB
A letter from Mr Story and Darren Holmes, CEO of Enquire Learning Trust, explaining the changes to Attendance Penalty Notices from August 2024.
Updated: 06/06/2024 153 KB
A letter about the transition arrangements for the academic year 2024/25.
Updated: 06/06/2024 210 KB
Sadly, Mrs Walker is leaving her role as Thrive practitioner and teaching assistant at Hardwick Green at the end of this term - we will all really miss her!
Updated: 27/03/2024 216 KB
Sadly, Mrs Mitchell is leaving her role as teaching assistant at Hardwick Green at the end of this term. This letter thanks her and explains how Year One will be supported going forwards.
Updated: 14/02/2024 301 KB
A letter reminding parents and pupils of our uniform expectations.
Updated: 08/02/2024 155 KB
A letter explaining our new initiative in school - Picture News.
Updated: 23/01/2024 198 KB
Information about arrangements for teaching in Year 1, 2 and 3 when Miss Graham leaves at February half term.
Updated: 23/01/2024 239 KB
Information regarding a residential trip for Year 4 in October 2024 when the children are in Year 5. The trip will be to PGL's Newby Wiske Hall in North Yorkshire, where school have successfully visited before.
Updated: 24/10/2023 850 KB
A special menu from our school kitchen to celebrate Halloween.
Updated: 29/09/2023 239 KB
The first letter explaining about the Year 5 residential to PGL (Newby Wiske Hall) in March 2024.
Updated: 13/09/2023 153 KB
A letter detailing our membership to 'National Online Safety' and explaining how parents and carers can sign up to learn more about how to keep children safe online.