Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND):
At Hardwick Green we aim to provide a broad, balanced and varied curriculum that meets the needs of all of our children. We are committed to the principle and practice of inclusion for all. We look to create an environment and ethos that welcomes the child and rewards effort and achievement.
Staff show genuine care for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) and prioritise creating a welcoming and supportive environment. The school has improved its approach to help these pupils achieve and succeed alongside their peers. Some pupils with SEND access tailored support through smaller lesson groupings, called ‘SEND pods’, and personalised interventions.
Ofsted, November 2024
If your child has a special educational need, or you are concerned that your chid may need extra support in any avenue of their school experience, we are committed to providing that support so that your child can thrive.
Please explore the documents below, particularly the 'Hardwick Green Local SEND Offer' which explains the provision that we have in school for each area of need. If you would like to discuss anything further, our SENCo is Miss Marliese Carr - m.carr@hardwickgreenacademy.org.uk - and she will be happy to assist you.
SEND Documentation
Healthcare Plans
If a child has needs which require the implementation of a healthcare plan, this plan will be in place before the child begins attending school or as soon as the need is identified. The plan is written by healthcare professionals and parents/carers. It is then shared in school with all adults who work with the child. Copies of a child’s healthcare plan are stored securely on the school server where they are accessible to all staff who work with the child. Contents of the healthcare plan are reviewed on a regular basis and amended as required.
Staff are provided with training with regards to pupils’ healthcare requirements as necessary.
Further information can be found in the Medical Needs Policy on the policy page of this website.
Medical Emergencies
All staff are aware of the procedure to follow in the case of a medical emergency.
Health and Therapy Services
We work with a wide range of health and therapy services in order to provide the highest quality of provision for our pupils. These include:
- Speech and Language Therapists
- Occupational Therapists
- Visual Impairment Service
- School Nurse
- Hearing Impairment Service
- Pupil Counsellor
- Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service
Many of these services arrange appointments in school and provide programmes of work or advice for staff in order to support pupils.
Stockton's Local SEND Offer provides information to parents and carers of children and young people with special educational needs or disabilities, aged 0 – 25, to help them to understand what services and support, they and their families can expect from a range of local agencies within the local authority and neighbouring area.
Please click the link below to access full details of Stockton's Local Offer
Stockton's Local Offer
Complaints procedure for SEN support and EHCP provision
We actively encourage communication between home and school and are confident that we can address any concerns that you may have around the provision for your child. However, if we cannot address your concerns, the government has provided parents with clear advice on how to make a complaint, which you can find below.
Click the link below for full explanation of the process.
The ADHD Foundation Neurodiversity Charity - an integrated health and education service
Advisory Centre for Education advice and information on education issues.
AFASIC Supports parents and represents children and young people with speech, language and communication needs (SLCN).
Barnardo’s Children's charity.
British Deaf Association (BDA)
BullyingUK part of family lives
Children’s Legal Centre Free legal information, advice and representation for children, young people, their families, carers and professionals.
Child Law Advice website has a section for children and young people
Contact a charity for families of disabled children.
Daisy Chain a Stockton based charity helping autistic children and adults and their families throughout the UK.
Family Fund Charity aiming to support, advise and possibly help with funds for families with severely disabled children.
Family Lives Family Lives aims to transform the lives of families by supporting parents at building happier relationships, happier families and a stronger society.
I CAN - The children's communication charity supports children with speech, language and communication difficulties.
Information, Advice and Support Services Network
IPSEA Independent Parental Special Education Advice
LOOK National Federation of Families with Visually Impaired Children)
KIDS (Working with disabled children, young people and their families)
MENCAP Support people with a learning disability.
Motability Exchange your mobility allowance to lease a car, scooter or powered wheelchair.
MIND (National Association for Mental Health)
National Association of Citizens Advice Bureaux
National Association of Special Educational Needs
National Deaf Children’s Society (NDCS) Families can also contact NDCS through their Freephone helpline on 0808 800 8880, helpline@ndcs.org.uk or NDCS live chat. Deaf children and young people can access information, share their experiences and have fun at www.buzz.org.uk.
National Federation of the Blind
Network 81 A national network of parents working towards properly resourced inclusive education for children with special needs.
Newlife A free national Helpline which supports and informs families of children with disabilities and terminal illness as well as grants for essential medical equipment.
Physically Disabled and Able Bodied (PHAB)
Rainbow Trust supports families who have a child aged 0-18 years with a life threatening or terminal illness and are in the greatest need.
Scope provide support and information if your child has a physical impairment, learning disability or any other condition.
Special Needs Jungle Parent-led information, resources and informed opinion about children and young people with SEN, special needs, disability, health conditions and rare diseases.
Sibs exists to support people who grow up with or have grown up with a disabled brother or sister.
The National Network of Parent Carer Forums
Whizz Kidz can help to transform the lives of disabled children across the UK, supporting them to become confident and independent young adults
Young Minds improving children's wellbeing and mental health.