Our school was last inspected by Ofsted in November 2024. Below is a sample of inspectors' findings that we are proud of, and believe encapsulate our school...
Hardwick Green Primary Academy has care and support at the heart of all it does. Pupils enjoy coming to school each day, knowing that staff want the best for them. Behaviour around school is calm and positive, with clear routines that help pupils feel safe and ready to learn. Pupils say they know who to talk to if they have any worries. Parents value the effective communication between home and school.
The school prioritises well-being and personal development, helping pupils to feel valued and supported. Pupils show respect for others and benefit from various extra-curricular opportunities, such as the popular street dance class, eco club and residential visits.
Staff show genuine care for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) and prioritise creating a welcoming and supportive environment. The school has improved its approach to help these pupils achieve and succeed alongside their peers. Some pupils with SEND access tailored support through smaller lesson groupings, called ‘SEND pods’, and personalised interventions.
Pupils behave well and understand the school’s high expectations. Staff manage behaviour consistently. The reward systems and praise from staff encourage pupils to display positive behaviour. Pupils are polite and engaged in their learning. The school’s calm and orderly environment helps pupils feel secure. Pupils are kind and welcoming to new pupils when they join the school. Staff sensitively provide targeted support for pupils who may need additional help in managing their behaviour.
Ofsted, November 2024
You can read our Ofsted reports in full here.
Ofsted Reports
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