
The Physical Curriculum at Hardwick Green Primary Academy is inclusive and allows all our children to experience the joy of fundamental movement and develop a love of physical activity, whatever their ability. By developing as an active, ‘Healthy School’, our children will achieve a positive “can do” attitude feeling empowered, valued and understand the importance of Health and Wellbeing. 

Through our P.E Curriculum we inspire our children to:
•    Learn and develop and achieve the fundamental skills in sport and physical activity and develop a life-long passion for sport. 
•    Experience a balance of Physical Activities within the P.E Curriculum that give children the tools to lead a healthy active lifestyle.
•    Experience the joy of moving through personal challenge and self-confidence. 
•    Experience The feeling of achievement and value by taking part in sporting activities.


To achieve the aims of the national curriculum in PE, meet the programme of study and to inspire our children to achieve a love of physical activity, we use the Complete PE scheme of work as a basis for our curriculum. This is a powerful resource designed to support teachers to deliver high quality Physical Education for our children and meet the requirements of the National Curriculum. 

Comple PE provides sequences of learning that flow progressively from the Early Years Foundation Stage to Year 6. We follow a teaching for mastery approach for delivery. Concepts are broken down into small steps allowing children to build on previous knowledge. Our physical education curriculum is split into progressive blocks with increasingly challenging and varying situations/stipulations. Clearly specified learning objectives lead to competence. Children engage in competitive activities against themselves and others to apply their learning, increase cultural capital and embed our character traits (RESPECT).

The learning in the curriculum is personalised and adapted to meet the needs of all our children, for example embedded within the sequences of learning are differentiated cards to support teachers in a confident delivery. The scheme also provides videos for children to see examples of high-quality learning and expectations. This is important in meeting the needs of our children with additional needs, where language may be a barrier to participation and learning.

Physical education is delivered as a subject in its own right, but also through other vehicles such as before and after school clubs, and our membership of the Stockton School Sports Partnerssip.

Swimming and water safety:

As per, the National Curriculum (2014), all schools must provide swimming instruction either in key stage 1 or key stage 2.

At Hardwick Green we provide a 2 week intensive swimming programme for year 5 children at a local swimming pool. We aim for all children leave us with the ability to:

  • swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres
  • use a range of strokes effectively (for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke)
  • perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations

Commando Joe's

As part of our PE curriculum, we use Commando Joe's. Commando Joe's is a structured character development programme that allows the children to take on missions set by famous faces throughout history to develop their values through the RESPECT framework. Taking part in the activities through Commando Joe's develops these traits within children:

  • Resilience - Determined; self-controlled; persistent; courageous; diligent; perseveres
  • Empathy - Just (fair); compassionate (forgiveness); kind; courteous; unselfishness
  • Self Aware - Self-confident; self-disciplined; honest; humorous; humility; adaptability
  • Positivity - Gratitude; motivated; positive attitude; inspires; willpower
  • Excellence - Creative; curious; inquires; pride; critical thinking
  • Communication - Listens; influences; feedback; reflective; evaluative; presence
  • Teamwork - Cooperates; responsible; cares; decision makes; helpful; unity; patient

Commando Joe's contains a full progression of how these traits are develops. Commando Joe's comprises 3 of the 12 PE units studied each year (see the PE long term ovierview). 

Clubs & Enrichment:

Our school provides a wide range of after school clubs for free for every year group - visit our clubs page here to see what is currently on here and book your child a place.


Stockton School Sports Partnership:

As a school, we endeavour to ensure that our children experience a range of sports, skills and competitive events. This is why we are part of the part of the Stockton School Sports Partnership. We work closely with local schools within the Partnership - - to create opportunities for children to develop their physical, social and emotional skills through experiencing high quality PE, competition and sports leadership. The Stockton Schools Sport Partnership supports schools to:

  • Engage their students in regular activity to kick start healthy & active lifestyles.
  • Increase the confidence, knowledge and skills of teachers and wider school staff in delivering PE & school sport.
  • Access a broader experience of a range of sports and activities for all pupils.
  • Encourage increased participation in competitive sport and helping young people to achieve their personal best.
  • Use sport as a tool for whole school improvement


In the Foundation Stage children are encouraged to access a wide range of physical activity provision throughout the indoor and outdoor classroom as well as taking part in formal P.E sessions. Physical Development is one of the areas in the Early Year Foundation Stage where children learn to explore, experiment and refine their social, gross and fine motor skills.

In Key Stage 1 children build on their early experiences and move into paired and group activities. They begin to play different games, explore and link actions, improve co-ordination and balance. They begin to express ideas and feelings about their own performances.

In Key Stage 2 Children build on their previous experiences through a broader P.E curriculum. They learn specific skills and refine and improve existing ones. The children develop confidence to evaluate their own and other performances and reflect on how they can improve. They learn to work as a team in pairs and small groups as well as taking part in competitive experiences so that they develop a greater awareness of the importance for their actions as well as being successful.

The impact of our PE curriculum is constantly monitored through both formative and summative assessment opportunities. We use Enquire Learning Trust’s foundation subject assessment system, which shows pupils’ understanding in motor competence, knowledge of rules, strategies and tactics and healthy participation. It identifies next steps for learning and areas to be the focus of retrieval practice to ensure pupils know more, remember more and can do more in PE.

PE Curriculum

Updated: 19/07/2024 107 KB
An overview of our PE curriculum, showing which units are taught in which half term. Please note: as we use a commercial scheme of work as the basis for our curriculum (Complete PE), we cannot produce our progressions in each sport / area of PE for copywrite reasons. If you would like to see our progression maps, please speak to Mr Laing (PE Leader) or Mr Story (Principal & Curriculum Lead).

Active Lives School Survey Report

Updated: 23/09/2022 340 KB
Issued: September 2022