For the second year in a row, Hardwick Green has been awarded the GOLD School Games Mark award for its commitment to promote physical activities before, during and after the school day. Over the 2023/24 academic year, each year group in school took part in a range of sporting competitions during the school day, and had access to a variety of after-school clubs including football, martial arts and cycling. School also added a sports element to the existing breakfast club offer. 

A big 'thank you' to Mr Laing, our PE leader, who oragnised the award submission, and organises all of the sports events for school.

We will continue to promote physical activity in school and are excited to be part of the 'Tees Valley Active Schools' project from September 2024. We will also be working towards the Platinum School Games Mark award in 2026, as we will achieve this once we have had the Gold mark for four years in a row.